Friday, August 5, 2011

Finally Meeting My Nephew!

Evey was born on July 28th at 3:47pm. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. During her birth, my sister-in-law, Renee, was in labor at UK Hospital.

Her son, Harrison was born shortly after Evey on July 29th at 1:09am. He weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long! Christopher managed to make it to the hospital to see them after he was born, and I wanted so desperately to meet him after he was born, but circumstances being as they were, I wasn't able to see them until after we'd both been discharged home.

Finally, on August 2, when Evey was 5 days old, our schedules aligned and Renee and Joel made a trip over to our house so they could meet their first neice and I could meet my first nephew!

He was absolutely adorable! He had a head full of blonde hair and even though he looked more like his dad, he and Evey shared a resemblance. You could definitely tell they were cousins!

Waiting for Harrison to finish eating so Mommy can hold him.

Mmmmm... you smell like milk!
When he realized I wasn't his mommy and that I wouldn't be feeding him, Harrison started screaming.

Check out that hair!!
Evey joined in with sympathy cries.

Evey with her Aunt Renee!

We had two very unhappy babies. Their first impressions of their aunts was not a good one,
and we were all cracking up!

Evey's Uncle Joel enjoying the show.

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