Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Terribly Wonderful Two's

I am the mother of a two year old.

I love saying it! I love when people ask me how old she is. It's just so much fun to say, "She just turned two on the 28th!" Do I believe that I've had this amazing kid in my life for two years? I'm not so sure I do...  But, on the flip-side, I can't remember a time without her being here.

This age has been so much fun.

Believe me, I have definitely gotten previews of the "terrible two's" and what is in store, but over-all, this is my favorite stage of parenting yet!

I love looking into Evey's eyes and knowing that she understands most everything I am saying.
I love saying "I love you to the moon and back,"  and hearing her respond with "love you, too. Moon. Back."

I love seeing her face when she hears Papa's race car pull into the driveway after a day at work. I love going through the roster of family and friends and realizing how many amazing and influential people she has in her life.

We pray for our food, and at bed time, and often for the rain to come or that she'll be able to go to the beach (aka: the pool). When you ask Evey who loves her, I love seeing the confidence in her response that Momma, Mimi, Papa and Jesus do.

She's so smart. She is already putting words together to make sentences (minus conjunctions). She knows what movies she likes and knows how to load them into the Blu-ray player. She knows how to clean up her toys and where they go. She knows how to get her way and how to pout when she doesn't get it.

She knows what happens when mommy counts to 3.

Often times, she puts herself into time-out if she's misbehaving. She says "sorry" when she's disobedient, and she is always forgiven. Don't get me wrong - we've had our fair share of tantrums, but for the most part, she is willing to follow the rules.

She is pretty cautious and, she learns quickly that if something hurts it's not a good choice to do it again. At the same time, she's a daredevil and loves to try new things! She can do summersaults (which she gets from me) and loves jumping on the bed or couch. She loves to climb up the side of the crib, or the back of the couch as long as Papa or Momma are close at hand.

She wants to know what everyone is doing all the time.
She loves fiercely. Whether it's a toy, a friend or family member, she loves and loves freely.

Her favorite baby doll is named "Baby Darth." A name that she bestowed on said doll herself. She loves rocks, monsters and trucks, trains and planes. She loves wearing jewelry and carrying a purse filled with her favorite things.

She loves to read! She has spent the summer going to story hour at the library with Mimi and has fallen in love with books! Her favorites are "Tails", Star Wars Counting, and a book about airplanes that Papa Flash made for her.

She asks for "mac-cheese" for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

My favorite trick (if you will) that she's learned this year, is counting. By the time she hit her second birthday, she could count to 11 and we're working on 12! She's so smart and she picks most everything up quickly. My heart swells with pride and joy when I hear her laying in bed counting. Sometimes she still gets them a little confused. One night, I heard over the monitor - wah (one), tooooo (two), tree (three), sits (six), yeight (eight), nine, ten and I had to laugh to myself. She even counts down to something she's looking forward to: tree, toooo, wah, GO!

I love her facial expressions and hearing her learn new words. I love how I can be in the middle of an adult conversation while she's in her own world playing and she'll turn around and interject, using the correct words. I love that she knows so many things and that I have to spell words if I don't want her to know what I'm talking about. The amount of adorable flowing out of that child always makes me smile.

So yes. I am the mother of a two year old. An amazing and independent little girl. I would shout it from the rooftops if I needed to! So far, I am in love with the terrible twos - temper tantrums and all. I hope she stays at this stage for a while. We're just having so much fun!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

God Made Dirt and Dirt Don't Hurt

We bought Evey a Little Tykes play place over our winter break, but it had been too cold to play. Finally, we got our first good day, so Evey and I decided to test it out. She LOVED it!! She could climb the steps on her own, run to the slide, and zoom down. 

The only issue was location, location, location... when the boys placed it in our backyard, they faced the slide slightly down hill. WHOOPS!

The good news is that God made dirt and dirt don't hurt.

Evey was just fine, just a little shaken up. We went inside and took a bath. In the end, I was glad I took a couple of seconds to snap photos of this moment. It might never happen again! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Evey is 18 months. I still can't believe it.

I love saying "I'm the mother of a toddler." This age has been so much fun! Evey plays hard and sleeps even better. We did go through a shaky teething period in January where she kept waking up, but we discovered the amazing teething tablet (aka candy) and quickly made it back to our full-night's sleep.

At 18 months Evey has 13 teeth. She weighs 21 lbs.

Her favorite word is "this". She points at everything she's curious about and says "this". That's what she was saying in her 18 month photo and pointing to a red, victorian style chair that she thought was oh-so-fun! Mommy, on the other hand, thought that it didn't match her outfit at all!

She says so many words now and we're working on teaching her to use her words instead of making an "at" sound that she's fond of. I realized that's the first mommy mimic that stuck around. WHOOPS!

A lot of her words start with "B". She can say ball, block, bath, bye-bye, baby, beep-beep. She also says fish, off and on and will repeat almost anything I ask her to.

She LOVES animals. She says the sounds for cow, horse (which is her favorite), sheep, owl, monkey, cat, dog (her other favorite), monsters, dinosaurs, tiger, lion, and elephant. She thinks bunnies are called "Emaline" and says "ladle, ladle, ladle" with a soft a when she talks about them. She makes a similar sound for Llamas.

She still loves airplanes, cars, trains and all things that go.

She can say all of her immediate family member's names except for Harrison (but that one is difficult) and Auntie Ali where she uses her tongue instead of vocals to get the point across. She can also pick out most of us in photos. We're still working on Uncle Joel for that one!

She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and does the sign for mouse whenever she wants to watch it, but her favorite movie is Spirit, Stallion of the Cimmaron. We watch it over and over. She also loves to watch Stellaluna, Monsters Inc., Homeward Bound (the "vuf, vuf" movie) and Over the Hedge. She watches Eebee Eebee Baby and Yo Gabba Gabba with Mimi and says both of those.

I love that she knows what every room in our house is. I can tell her to head to the kitchen for some water and she knows where to go. She knows the bathroom is where we go potty and take baths and she knows where Mommy's room and Evey's room are. She also knows the living room is where she plays. It still amazes me that she can follow simple directions so well.

She loves to play kitchen and baby. She wraps her babies in blankets and changes their diapers. She's a natural! She also loves to be "destructo-girl," as we call her, and build towers then run through them to knock them over. Her favorite toys at home are her Little People Noah's Ark and Farm and her coloring books.

She has gotten so good at using sign language that she even makes her own signs to get her point across. She made up her own sign for ice cream (she rubs her first finger on her tongue) and for coloring (she sits down and makes a coloring motion with her hand and arm). She's learned more, I'm sure. She can pick them up after we show them to her once, but I can't remember for the life of me.

She knows her head, shoulders and toes... we're still working on knees. She knows where her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers, feet, legs, arms, belly and belly button are. Oh yeah... and her butt! LOVE IT! She also knows how to say and sign all the different colors. Her favorite is "back" (aka black).

She loves singing with me. Her favorite book right now is Puff the Magic Dragon which I sing to her before bed 1-3 times every night. She also loves the Llama Llama books and Goodnight, My Love which is my favorite. We have this dinosaur 4 pack that she loves as well. How Do Dinosaurs Pick Up Their Room, etc...

We definitely stay busy. She loves water and bath time is her favorite time of day. We've gotten our Y membership back, but have been having trouble finding time to get over and swim this winter. She can go all the way up and down a play slide on her own and has mostly mastered climing stairs in general. I still have to help her go down - more because it makes me nervous than her!

My favorite thing to see her do is pray. She loves praying and we get to do it over and over - at her request. She folds her hands and says "Jesus" and "Men" (amen). It's adorable.

I'm so proud of all the things my TODDLER can do! Every day she learns something new. I have never enjoyed anything the way I enjoy motherhood and this little girl is perfect in my eyes. I am so thankful for everything she brings to my life. Who knew it could be this good?!?