Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rooting for Papa

Evey slept in until 7:30am, and after 9 and a half hours of sleep, we had a great morning together! She was so happy and in such a great mood. We had plans to go down to Mimi & Mipa's house this morning to have waffles for breakfast. As I was loading her into her carseat (which she normally hates), I was singing the song I made up about going in and she was just smiling like crazy. And, for the first time, she laughed at me! It was so cute, and such a great feeling! It was like she was saying "I think my mom's so funny" even though I was being totally dorky. She's made "giggling" sounds before, like she was learning how, but this was her first really obvious laugh.

When we got down to my parent's house, she was still so happy. She played and smiled at her Mimi while Mipa slaved over a hot waffle iron. I was finally able to catch some photos of her smile and they are so cute!

After waffles, Evey got to meet her great aunt and spend some time with her Great-Grandnanny. Then we all spent the afternoon watching her Papa race with the SCCA. Needless to say, by the end of the day, my Little Miss was completely worn out. As I'm blogging, she's asleep on my lap, and I'm typing over her. Even though it was exhausting, it was a great day, and Evey enjoyed getting to play with her grandparents. It was a beautiful day for the most part and so good for her to spend a little bit of time outside.

For the most part, she slept the entire time we were at the track, but if Evey wasn't sleeping, she was crying. She didn't necessarily care for the growling engines, but Christopher was so proud to show her off to all her friends and he loved having my family there to watch him race.

mommy was loving her day off with her little girl.

christopher lining up to race

christopher's cousing, wesley, spent the day out at the track with him and got to ride in the first run.

my good looking man with his good looking car.

our family, ready to run... of course - evey will have to wait a few years!

wes's first time holding a baby.

don't be deceived by the smile, i was totally freaking out
and i held onto the "oh crap" handle the entire time!

cheering for her papa.

cheering... aka screaming. lol.

after i rode, my dad took a turn while i nursed evey. christopher increased his time each run and his best raw time of the day was 45.285 seconds. he's been super excited about running because in june he'd installed a rear sway bar, a short throw shifter and new shift console bushings. they definitely paid off because this was his best race day yet.

chilling with mimi & mipa at the races.
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