Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's in a name?

Christopher and I always laughed at how many nicknames our cats and dogs have. We hardly ever use their real names... so we should've know it would be the same for our kids.

We love Evey's name - and we obviously put a lot of thought into her name when we decided on it back in February, but she has nicknames for every aspect of her life and some of them are definitely creative!

When she eats, she gets so excited. She knows when we're getting ready to nurse and she holds her mouth open wide and nods her head back and forth. It cracks me up.

Sometimes, she gets over-excited and I tell her to "Slow down, Trigger". Yes, I call my baby girl Trigger. It's just so suiting. If she gets on Trigger mode, I can't let her latch on until she calms down, otherwise, I'll be experiencing some pain. I always crack up at her Trigger mode. I also call her Chomper and Nommer (which has evolved into Nominator). The older she gets, the messier she eats... ergo, I call her Squirt.

Every night, she sleeps in a swaddler (aka a straightjacket) that's made by Kidopotamus. So Squirt transferred from dinnertime to bedtime and as I velcro her into her blanket, Squirtopotamus emerged. Unfortunately, that's quite a mouthful for such a little girl, so it got shortened to Squirtopot. I realize it's not the cutest name in the world, but Evey makes anything sound adorable!

When she gets a dirty diaper, I clean "Her Highness" and she's so funny when she gets her diaper changed. Since day one, she pulls feet up to her belly and then thrusts them out as straight as they can go. We started calling her Frog Legs because of this. The older she gets, the more she wiggles and squirms, so she's added on a couple more names: Squirminator 2011 and Squirmin' Merman. I love the way her belly goes so flat and rounds out into a circle, like a beetle. I call it her Buddah Belly.

She's got a lot of gas... I've heard breastmilk fed babies are gassier than formula babies, but Evey has a lot of gas! I call her my "rootin', pootin' cowgirl."
We love the little ring of dark hair that underlines her cute bald head. We think it resembles Friar Tuck, so that's what we call her. Although, I must say that her hair is growing out nicely on top and everyone said that her Friar Tuck hair would fall out, but it's still holding on strong!

When we wake her up in the morning, we always say "Good morning, Starshine! The earth says 'Hello!'" and she just smiles at us!

She's such a happy girl and making her smile is so rewarding, as a mom. I call her Gummy Smile because when she really, really smiles, you can see her entire gums. It's adorable. She has another smile where she doesn't open her mouth and it just goes straight across her face. Her Nana says she looks like Charlie Brown!

On top of all those names, we also have names we use whenever we talk to her. She knows her name already, but she also responds to these:

Evey Monster
Evey Girl
Evey Bear
Miss E
Little Miss
Little Bit
Sweet Pea
Sweet Tart
Snuggle Bunny
Bunny Foo Foo
Boogin Head

Yes, some of her names are quite random (and I'm sure there are more) but that's our girl... and I wouldn't trade them for anything!

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