Sunday, February 12, 2012


At three months, Evey visited the pool for the first time. At first, she was a little unsure about the water since she'd never been fully emmersed. We bathed her in her Puj Tub which is a little conical shaped tub that kept her head supported and wouldn't fill up past her tummy. There was no way she could splash and play, so it was her first real water experience.

Once she was able to sit up on her own, we decided it was time she graduated from her sweet Puj Tub to a baby bath and she loved it. Her Nana and Flash gave her an adorable tug boat filled with bath toys and she has so much fun splashing and playing.

When I was six months old, my mom put me in waterbabies classes and I love being in the water. I wanted my daughter to love it as much as I did, so at six months, we started a tradition of going to the pool. Evey was in her element. She smiled and laughed and played. She loved kicking her way across the pool.

Our friend, Olivia, is a waterbabies instructor and she went with us to show us what they do in the classes. We did the Hokey Pokey and we played "Motorboat, Motorboat" as we spun her in circles. She loved everything but being dunked under the water... But that will come in time!

The second day, Evey and I met Renee and Harrison and introduced them to the wonderful world of water. Unfortunately, since it was two moms and two babies, there was no one to take pictures this time, but the memories are great! At first Harrison was distracted by all the other kids at the pool and was too busy watching them to realize something was different. Eventually, the kids went home and we had the pool mostly to ourselves and then he started to enjoy it too! Evey showed him the ropes and I could barely get her to slow down. If I stood still at all, she pushed herself away from me, holding onto only my shoulder and kicked, kicked, kicked to keep herself afloat. She went underwater on her own twice and didn't cry when it was on her own terms. It's great to see her so adventurous in the water!!

She's a natural, just like her mommy!

At first, we took her to the larger pool at the Beaumont YMCA, but decided it was too cold for mommy and daddy - much less for a little girl. Luckily, they have a warm water pool that is perfect for my little girl!

She didn't like floating on her back if her ears got wet.

I love this set - her little feet never stopped moving.
She knew she was safe as long as she had ahold of us!

We practiced "jumping" off the edge into the water.

We let her be "on her own" on the kickboard.

She even played with Auntie Ali for a long time... which was a big deal! Evey still has her "mommy-issues" and she will rarely let my sister hold her. If I leave her with my mom, she has "mimi-issues" and still will rarely go to Ali. She loves to smile and play with Auntie Ali from someone elses arms, and eventually, Ali will be one of her favorite people ever.

Needless to say, Auntie Ali enjoyed playing in the pool!!

When we were done, Papa played with Evey so Mommy could enjoy some down-time in the hot tub!!

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