I cannot believe how long I've gone without documenting anything about my baby's life. I didn't mean to drop off the face of the planet, but a certain someone is keeping me on the go constantly!
We've been so busy that I haven't even had time to think about blogging and we don't have internet at home anymore, so it's hard to get a post done in the few minutes a day I have to myself. Thankfully, our minds hold a ton of sweet memories that will last (perhaps not as long as this blog will!).
Evey is growing like a weed and my little sponge is so smart. She picks up new things every day.
At 16 months, she knows without a doubt who "Mama" is and calls her dad Papa, Mama or Bob. (I think that Bob came from trying to say Papa with a stuffy nose, but we love it!). She can point both of us out in a photograph.
Harrison was the first person she recognized in a photo. We've been playing "Where's Harrison" for months. It's amazing how she loves her cousin. And when I say loves, I mean it! Evey and Harrison have so much fun playing together. She hugs him all the time and they chase each other back and forth through Nana's house. It's fun to see how great of a bond they already have at this age and I'm glad that we'll get to watch it grow over the years.
She calls my mom Mimi and my sister Al-a. She apparently started saying "Na-nan" last night while walking into Christopher's mom's house. We're still working on the rest. When I ask her who Papa Flash is, she looks at Gordon and nods. It's adorable. I'm not going to lie.
She can say baby, ball, bath, box bus, cold, mouth, pizza, please, this, on, up, boom, boo, bye bye. LOTS of "B" words... most likely there's some that I've left out!
She repeats the sounds of a cow (moo), dog (woo, woo), elephant (mrrrrr), tiger (not a cat... a tiger [she does a hissing snarl sound that is hilarious]). Bears, dinosaurs, and lions all say the same thing - RAWR!!! The amazing thing is that she'll growl when Papa asks her what a stegosaurus or velocoraptor says... she knows lots of other dinos that Mommy can barely pronounce! She loves the sounds of a car, truck, airplane and motorcycle (Vroom, vroom! or a "b" sound while vibrating her lips). She clicks her tongue to call the dogs and cats and growls at the dogs (aka Amma) when they get in trouble. She loves to feed the puppies and makes sure that no food falls out of their bowls while they eat.
She knows the signs for 30+ words and can pick up a new sign after being shown only once! She signs: Mother, Father, Water, Milk, Drink, Banana, Strawberry, Grape/Raisin, Cookie, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Eat, Pacifier, Please, Thank You, Shoes, Swing, Pretty, Cold, Play, Music, Brush Teeth, Wipe, Shew-we!, and Help. I'm sure that isn't all of them and I hate that my forgetful brain is leaving some out!
She knows where her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheeks, chest, toes and belly button are and cracks up at Elmo's huge, orange nose! She knows every room in our house and can go to any of them when asked.
She cheeses for the camera. She puts herself to sleep at night and sleeps through the night. She loves playing with baby dolls and monster trucks, purses and airplanes. She's such a girly girl, but there's a little tomboy hidden deep inside.
She can wave, clap, run, jump and pick her nose with the best of them! She's a moving, grooving, dancing machine. She marches with Barney and she gets down to the Hot Diggity Dog song. When I ask her to show me her groovin' feet, she gets those little legs moving so quick into this little run/boogie. She loves doing somersaults and back-flips and cackles when she's upside-down. She's always got me laughing.
I often look at her and think, "Where did my baby go?" but I am so in love with this age. It's so much fun to watch her explore and grow. She's so independent and can sit and play on her own for hours. She
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