Monday, September 17, 2012

McDowell-Hughes-Johns-Underwood Family: Together Again

This August, my family from Florida came up to visit. They'd had a vacation planned, and ended up spending most of their vacation in the hospital. My grandmother had several kidney stones the size of golf balls. She went to the ER and they sent her to St. Joseph for surgery. Unfortunately, since she was on blood thinners, they couldn't actually do the surgery. Their temporary fix was to give her some stints and take her off the thinners until she was able to have the stones broken up. 

Fortunately for my grandmother, and the nurses, we were able to take her home on Thursday. 

We had made plans to get family photos made since it was the first time we'd all be in the same town in years. The last time we had a family photo taken, I think I was 9 - so it had been almost 20 years! I'd say we were overdue. We were really glad my grandmother was out of the hospital so she could come with us. Since she started the whole mess, it wouldn't be a family portrait without her in it! 

After our appointment, most of the family came to our house for BBQ (although we missed Kacy, Jordan and Clayton)! It was the first time my extended family had seen our house, and it gave me a really good reason to CLEAN, so I was excited!! 

My amazing husband whipped up some pulled pork and everyone brought some delicious dishes. It was such a beautiful day to spend outdoors enjoying good company! 

My cousin, Eric. 

My Aunt Jo enjoying some QT with her grand-niece!

Mimi and Evey enjoyed a piece of corn on the cobb. Evey is the only person I've ever seen my mom eat after. LOL. 

My dad and sister, and my husband, the photo-bomber. 

My cousins, Samantha, Eric and Hannah.

L to R: My sister: Ali; My cousins: Hannah, Joshua, Eric, Noah, Samantha; and, of course, my daughter: Evey

Even Whitney enjoyed the festivities.

We had so much fun, and I hope it isn't 20 years before we're all together again! 

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