Sunday, August 5, 2012

Little Mommy

I never realized how natural of an instinct mothering is, but Evey has it.

I love watching her with her stuffed animals and baby dolls, mimicking the things I do with her. We got her a Cabbage Patch Doll for her birthday because of the way she plays with one at her Nana's house. The first time I saw her nurture this baby, my heart melted!

Nana would tell her to get her baby and she'd go over and pick it up. She'd hug it tight, pat it's back and give it a sweet, slobbery kiss on the nose!

The other day, she was playing on her own and when I looked over at her, she was tucking in her bedtime pal, Violet. Every night, we read together, pray together and nurse. Then I put her in her crib with "Vi" and tuck them in together. When I saw her doing it, she was placing the blanket over violet, patting her (just like I do) and repeating the process over and over!

A few days later, I caught her doing the same thing.

I have no doubts that Evey will be an amazing mommy one day. It's weird to think about at this point, but I can tell that mothering is written on her heart, just like it is mine!

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