Evey went to her first big screen movie: BRAVE!
We thought the drive-in would be more suitable. You don't necessarily have to be quiet during the movie, and you don't have to sit still, which is ideal for a 10 month old!
We packed a Penn Station picnic, stocked with Ale-8-1 and Evey got her first "taste..." (Don't worry! The bottle was empty!) She was so funny drinking out of the bottle. On one sip, she lost her balance and fell over. She was drunk on Ale-8!!
As the sun set and the skies got dark, we got ready to watch the movies. We swaddled Evey up and she nursed during the previews and she fell asleep during the Pixar short.
I decided that we weren't moving. It wasn't worth it. If there was a fire, we could get up as the fire engines navigated the sea of cars and people and we'd be just fine.
So, we laid back in our fire lane and enjoyed our unobstructed view.
My sweet girl slept so well on the ground. She's such a trooper when we mess up her schedule and do crazy things - like keeping her out until 1:30am just to see a movie!
I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy the drive-in with us!
It definitely won't be 18 years before I go back again!!
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