Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Words

Before she was 8 months old, Evey had four words in her pocket. Her vocabulary is ever-growing as she coos and "talks" and I love seeing her learn new things.

The first time we noticed she was babbling consanants was while she was crying. It sounded like she was saying "Mah Bae Bae." We decided she was mimicking me as a comfort tool. When she's upset, I hold her close and tell her it will be okay. I always say, over and over, "My Baby" and we think that she's using that to self-soothe.

She always says things that I make into words, just so that we're constantly conversing and increasing her social skills. My favorite example of this, one afternoon, I was changing her diaper and she started screaming randomly, like something was hurting her. Immediately, I picked her up an held her close. I said, "My baby, what happened?" and she responded in a whining tone, without missing a beat, "Blah Blao." It was so cute, I almost laughed out loud. I said, "well, what did you 'blah blao' for? Don't you know that can hurt the little girl?" She just smiled at me, as if she knew exactly what I was saying... And maybe she did! After all, I was speaking her language.

I'm proud to say that her first, english word was "mama." Not "mamamamama...," but she knew who I was and she said my name. It was February 7, while she was so sick with her ear infection, RSV and stomach bug and she was feeling so badly. She looked up at me with this pitiful, sweet face and said my name. My heart melted, and I snuggled her so closely... All I wanted to do was to make her feel better. Since then, she's said "mama" several times, and it's always to me, not at me.

"Daddy" ran a close second (not "dada" or "dadadadadada...," but Daddy with the long E sound at the end. Even though we want Christopher to be Papa, most of the time I slip up and say "Daddy's home," so she picked that up there. The way she said Daddy was very similar to Mama, but it's Christopher's job to blog that one since I wasn't present the first time! It was followed by "Bye-Bye" and then "Mimi" (much to my mom's pleasure!).

Now that she's figured out that "Bye-Bye" gets a good reaction, she says it ALL the time! So she's officially entered that "Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye-Bye" stage. It's too cute, though; I must admit.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I do too... I finally figureed out how to personalize it a bit!

      lol. It's about time!
