She's in the 10th percentile for height and weight.
Her eyes are still gray/blue (and gorgeous!).
Her soft brown hair is growing in on top and her "Friar Tuck" do is rapidly being replaced by the cutest little cow-lick at the crown of her head.
On top of sitting on her own early, she's pulling up to stand early. She is so ready to walk, she just can't figure out the balance thing. Plus her feet are still so tiny, there's nothing out front to hold her up!
She's a rolling machine now. If she gets on her tummy, almost instantaneously she's back to her back - to the point that I had trouble shooting her seven month photos! My camera couldn't fire as fast as she could roll over, LOL!
She's been pushing up to crawl ever-so-slightly, but she doesn't spend enough time on her belly to actually "push up." Instead, she pulls herself into the lotus and rolls onto all fours from that position. I have to admit that it's pretty darn cute!
My favorite new thing she does this month? Scoot. She can move all over the room by scooting around on "her highness" (as I call it) and it's hilarious. The first time I noticed it, I sat her down next to her basket of toys and went into the kitchen. When I came back to the living room, she was on the other side of her basket. I was so confused and then I saw her do it. She spreads her legs into a "V" and puts her hands on the floor between them and moves wherever she wants to go. Her Papa says she's way too smart for her own good!
Her favorite foods are (1) squash, (2) tomatoes, (3) carrots (4) sweet potatoes, pureed, not mashed... if you're not noticing a trend, you should be. All her favorite foods prove even more to me that her favorite colour is orange. It cracks me up how she favors anything orange.
She's also eaten green beans, peas, avocado (which she hated, btw), and mashed potato. I loved watching her reaction to new foods. Unfortunately, the only flavors I didn't get pictures of were the two things she obviously didn't like. We noticed that she's not the biggest fan of the "mashed" texture. I'd give her a spoonful, and I do mean spoon full. She tried so hard to get the food off her tongue and once it was out of her mouth, she would do a full-body shutter of disgust! It was so funny and I kept feeding her so that I could keep seeing that reaction.
We started swimming on a (semi)regular basis this month. Evey made some new friends at the pool, Calla and Catie are both July babies born to friends that I had lost contact with over the years. I'm so glad our kids are bringing us back together!! She also got to swim with Harrison and all four babies seemed to love the water! Evey's my little pro, though. She swims back and forth across the pool. She splashes and jumps off the edge on her own. If she dunks herself, she loves it. If I dunk her? Not so much, but we're working on it.
She's far past mastering the trading objects from one hand to the other, crossing midline, and picking objects up with the thumb and first finger. She's moving on to other fine-motor skills like untying shoe strings and bows.
Her favorite toys have grown significantly in cost over the last month... She loves to play with cell phones, keys, my Kindle and Mimi's iPad. I can't read to her from my kindle anymore because she knows how she flip the pages and I lose my place before I can finish a sentence. Who taught her how to flip the pages? Her Mimi, of course! My mom has so many apps on her iPad that are just for her Sweet Pea. Evey's favorite is "Peek-a-boo Barn." She loves opening the barn door to find the animal behind it. She's definitely a techie like her Papa!
She also loves her Sophie la Giraffe (thanks Tom & Amber!!) and her Jumparoo (thanks Sarah & Anthony!!). We take Sophie everywhere and I'm not sure Christopher and I would make it out the door in the mornings without the jumparoo to allow us to finish gathering everything together.
The actual toys that hold her heart this month are her shape sorter, her D4 (thanks Jason, Naomi & Lucy!), her stacking rings (thanks Mimi), her bath tug-boat (thanks Nana & Flash) and her Fisher Price piano. What I think is hilarious is that she doesn't just play with the toys. She picks them up, puts them in her lap, puts them back on the floor, pushes them away, pulls them back, and flips them over. She wants to know how they work. She examines her toys in every way she can. She tries to find where the noises come from, she studies the different colours and she pushes all the buttons, spins all the wheels, and watches the lights flash. She's so intent on figuring out what makes them tick. I love this stage. She's so curious and I tell her often never to lose that curiosity.
Every day, she finds a new way to amaze me. I still watch her as she sleeps and wonder what she dreams about. I love watching her eyelids flutter and listening to the sound of her steady breathing. I love watching her play and that gummy smile that melts my heart every time I see it. I look at her and cry because she's so beautiful and I watch helplessly as she grows faster than I could ever have imagined.
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