Evey can sit up all on her own! She picks out her own toys...
when she gets bored with one, it's time for a new one!
Mimi - these are for you!!
We learned that Evey could sit unassisted on January 5th, at 5 months 8 days.
We went to Buy Buy Baby to buy a supported sitter toy. There's one in particular that we were searching for. At daycare, she loves a Fisher Price pedestal with flashing lights and birds that she likes to push down, which makes noise. We checked Kid-to-Kid and Once Upon a Child first, but they didn't have anything remotely similar that she could support herself with, so on to the store that has everything! They didn't have the exact toy we were looking for, but we found a lot of options, so we plopped Evey down in the floor with her Papa while I ran from aisle to aisle pulling toy after toy off the shelf and piling them up around my girl. Her eyes were wide and full of wonder as we tested them out, but after about 45 minutes of sitting on her own testing toys, we realized the last thing she needed was a "supported" sitter toy.
While this was a milestone I could've waited ages for, I have been happy to see it come! My little girl is growing up so quickly, and being able to sit on her own at such a young age proves it. She can roll over, but she chooses not to... she prefers to be vertical. She is so happy to be so independent, and it definitely makes life easier! As you can see, I can plop her down amongst her slew of toys and she can change it up as she pleases!
I have to admit, that I'm a proud mommy!
She's getting so big!