We became a part of the Vineyard family a couple of years ago and have developed friendships through small group. I remember Vinefest 2 years ago - it was so awkward because we'd just joined our home group and we barely knew the 3 families, much less the other people who were there.
Since Christopher and I had been "loners" for a while, it was hard for us to start building friendships again. Now, we wouldn't change it for the world! We love the families that God has brought into our lives and wouldn't trade them for anything!
Evey's wild ride! We tried to take the trail down to the party, but it was insanely bumpy, so I carried her down and then mobyed her up for the evening! |
Our good friend Amber Lyons and her daughter, Adellyn. |
Dancing to Queen's "We Will Rock You" while we waited on the rest of our group. |
Amber's husband, Tom and Adellyn's twin brother, Wesley. |
Our original small group split to form three new groups, and Judy & Micah joined our group. Jenna and Liam are there kids.
Evey's first hayride! She slept the whole time - which means she definitely enjoyed the bumpy ride! |
Jenni, Evey, Christopehr, Judy, Liam, Jenna Micah, Adellyn, Amber, Tom, Wesley |
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