Wednesday, September 14, 2011


While I was pregnant, we played lots of music to my tummy. Music is a big part of mine and Christopher's lives and we wanted our child to have the same passion for it that we did.

While she was in utero, her favorite song was Queen's Bohemian Rapshody - which cracked us up! I love that song and have three different versions on my iPod and every time it came on, she would bounce all around my tummy. I loved it!

Now, at almost two months old, she still loves her Queen, but she's added a few other songs to her playlists!

I love that she's a lover of music. We accidentally forgot to turn her music on one night and she was up all night long. Let's just say that we never made that mistake again! If I have the music turned down in the car, she gets so mad and then when I turn up the tunes, she calms right down. I love that she uses music to self-soothe! She's such an amazing kid!

Right after she was born, I had so much trouble even remembering song lyrics. I knew the tune, but would make up my own words half of the time and it hardly ever made sense. Then, the first night we were home, she started screaming. She was inconsolable... I had no idea what to do and that's when it hit me. I finally knew the words to a song. I sang the song Phil Joel wrote for Disney's Tarzan over and over and over.

Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. 
Just take my hand, hold it tight. 
I will protect you from all around you. 
I will be here don't you cry. 
'Cause you'll be in my heart.
Yes, You'll be in my heart from this day on now and forevermore.
You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say.
You'll be here in my heart, always.

I sobbed as she cried and I sang, and finally she calmed down. She watched me intently as I sang the same thing a hundred times and that's when I realized that I really had what it took to care for my little girl. After that, remembering song lyrics became a little easier and our nights became a little more relaxed.

Other songs she loves:
     Ben Folds' version of Elton John's "Tiny Dancer"
     "Bubbly" by Colbie Callait
     Coldplay's hidden track, "Till Kingdom Come"
     "The Life of a Pirate," Cady Groves
     Relient K's "Getting Into You" and "For the Moments I Feel Faint"

Her favorite song right now is by Secondhand Serenade. We had them on to put her to sleep one night and the iPod just kept playing all day, so I slowly learned the song. Whenever she starts fussing, I start singing the chorus and after a few times she stops fussing. Usually about the 10th time, she falls fast asleep. This song is my infallible assistant as of late.

So, hold your breath.
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again.
Don't make me change my mind or I would never live to see another day.
Becuase a girl like you is impossible to find,
You're impossible to find.

It's so much fun to have a daughter who loves music. Her Papa hopes one day she'll be a drummer, and I'd be okay with that if that's what she chooses! I can't wait to start musicgarten in a few months!

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