So many people came to the hospital and to our house to visit our sweet baby girl in the first few days of her life. It's such a blessing to have so many people who love us and wanted to celebrate the best thing that ever happened to us! We tried to get pictures of everyone, but we were a bit overwhelmed, so some of you got missed - and I apologize! We definitely appreciated your visit and we love you all!
My Aunt Jo was able to be in the delivery room with us when Evey was born. Things progressed so quickly that she got stuck - but I'm so glad she was there.
Evey's god-parents, Jason & Naomi Colliver were able to come and visit right after she was born. Unfortunately, she was nursing - so they didn't get to hold her until they came down from Covington a few days later, but we loved being able to see them!
The Sam family, Bernie & Isabel and their children, Solomon and Ezequias (aka: Shrimp)! We didn't meet them until midway through the pregnancy, but we love spending time with them and it was great to spend time with them. Solomon was so cute with Evey - he kept saying "baby!" It was great!!
Tom & Amber Lyons and their twins, Adele & Wes. We met them almost two years ago in our small group. We love having them in our lives - they helped heal a world of hurt that Christopher and I had been holding onto for years. When they announced that they were pregnant, we were so happy for them. The twins were born September 1, 2010 and we spent the first few months of their lives going over every Saturday to help them keep their house clean and take care of the kiddos. It ended up becoming a D & D / Firefly nights and we call the twins our "trial-run" for kids. They helped us become the parents we're thrilled to be!
Meghan and I have been best friends since birth. Her mom, Susan, and my mom were best friends when we were born. Meghan is a month and six days older than I am. Evey loves her Aunt Meghan! 
My cousin, Eric, came to visit. I hadn't seen him since Christmas when I announced that I was pregnant, so it was definitely great to see him. He was so excited to meet Evey and couldn't believe how tiny she was.
The visitors who came to the hospital that we missed getting pictures of were Rhonda Hensley who was in my mom's sorority in college. Her daughter, Megan, grew up with my sister. I haven't seen them in so long and I was so surprised when she walked through the door! We also got a visit from Don & Becky Colliver - Evey's god-father (Jason's) parents. Becky is Christopher's second mom and we love their family! One of our pastors, Jimmy, stopped by as well. He prayed over our family and that meant so much!
The night we got home, Christopher's cousin, Courtney, and her daughters, Cara and Cayden, who were in town stopped by to see us. Courtney had just had Cara on July 1st and was the second of 4 Finch great-grandchildren due this year. Evey was so good. We quickly realized what an easy baby she was!
After Courtney, Cayden and Cara left we were putting Evey to bed and we heard a noise in the front room. It took us a minute to realize that it was a knock at the door. Our neighbors, David & Frances were there with their daughter, Brittany. We had been looking to see if they were outside all day because we were so excited to show off our girl. They didn't stay too long since we were in the middle of putting her to bed, but it was a great visit. The next day, our neighbors from across the street - the Piper's came by while I was feeding Evey. Unfortunately, they didn't get a really good peek at her, but they know where we live! We always say we have the best neighbors in the world!
The visit I was most looking forward to was one from Christopher's sister, Renee, and her husband, Joel. Renee and I both found out we were pregnant last November. She was due July 28th and I was due August 2nd. The babies definitely brought Renee and I closer together and it was so great going through each step of pregnancy with her. When it was time for our ultrasounds that would tell us the gender of our babies, we thought I was having a boy and Renee was definitely having a girl. Christopher's mom had even bought outfits for the babies, but ended up having to switch. We were both wrong. On the way home from the hospital, I cried the entire way past UK Hospital, because my nephew, Harrison, was born eight hours after Evey was. I wanted to see him and his mom so badly, but we couldn't take our girl into the maternity ward. Tuesday, once we were both home, Renee and Joel stopped by to meet their neice on the way home from a check-up. I got to hold my only nephew for the first time and Renee got to hold her only neice. They were so adorable, and just cried and screamed. They didn't know what to think - but they knew that they weren't smelling their mom. I think it freaked them out, but we were laughing so hard! It was great, and so worth the wait!
Ms. Pam actually came to the hospital to visit us (and she came bearing moo-moo's), but she was one of the loved ones we missed getting pictures with. She brought us dinner one night, so we got our photo op then! Her family moved in across the street from ours when I was in 9th grade and if it wasn't for them - I may have never come to know Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour.
My life would have been completely different. I most likely wouldn't be married to Christopher, which means my little girl wouldn't exist. I am so thankful that God brought the Vernon's into my life and it was wonderful to share this time of joy with Pam!
We also had a visit from another co-worker of mine, Judy. She has an 18th month old son and was so excited to finally meet the little girl I'd been going on and on about at work for months. I loved sharing her! Tiffany Rice, an old co-worker of Christopher and I couldn't wait to come and see Evey! She spent the afternoon providing me with some much needed adult conversation and got to snuggle the sweetest girl in the world! Some ladies from our church brought us dinner as well, and that meant so much. It was so helpful to not have to worry about what we were going to eat for the first few weeks of Evey's life - otherwise, we'd have just lived off of taquitos and jalepeno poppers. We are so grateful to Vineyard for providing that service to new moms (and I can't wait to do it when someone else may be in need!).
It's so great to feel so loved. I know Evey will grow up feeling completely surrounded by it - and that's everything I want for my little girl! Thank you all for celebrating this joyous occasion with us!
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