It's hard to believe that we're already in the last week of the pregnancy. Overall, it has flown by, but I think the past few weeks have dragged on and on... I've been so excited to finally meet this little girl growing inside me and now, it's time!
It's our last official days before Evey gets here and Christopher and I have been attempting to make the most of them! We've been putting the finishing touches on the house but have been relaxing as much as possible too. We know those days of lazing on the couch are about to be long gone!
We had our last prenatal check-up on Monday. We were 38 weeks 6 days into the pregnancy. It was kind of bittersweet - I won't see the nurses that I've come to know and love over the past nine months again until September and the next time I see them, we'll be toting an adorable little girl with us!
Evey's heartbeat was as strong as ever - 159bpm (which may have been her highest heartrate so far!). We talked about what Christopher is allowed to do in the delivery room. He's definitely planning on cutting the cord and if the delivery goes well, he may be able to catch our daughter! He's so excited about his role in her birth and I'm excited for him!
My cervix had finally changed and Christopher and I were estatic! We've been waiting on changes for weeks, so it was nice to know that something was happening! I'm not quite at 3cm, but Dr. Ashmun said she wasn't able to get two fingers in before, and now she could. Evey has dropped another centimeter, so she's at a -1 station now (only 5 more to go until she's crowning)! She said we were still around 70% effaced, but now that Evey is dropping it will put more pressure on and cause me to efface more quickly. Overall, she was pleased with where we were!
She recommended that we reschedule the induction for Thursday, July 28th because she's on call that day. That means, no matter what, she'll be the one to deliver my little girl. Since we've been working towards this day together for so long, that's exactly what I want! We're set to go in at 6am, but she know us and said if we were having trouble sleeping we could come in a bit early and they'd get me started!
We're still praying that Evey comes on her own... and we definitely still have time for that to happen. I'm not giving up hope yet. We're still going on walks and doing everything we can to naturally induce, but it's not our decision to make! Maybe our little chunk will decide she's finally as ready to meet her mom and dad as we are to meet her!
Tomorrow is my last day of work and I can't how fast that time is going! It seems like I've been training my replacement for no time at all, and I can't believe I'm about to leave her in my position - no turning back! I know she'll be great though! She's been picking up on all my daily tasks so well over the past couple of months. She may feel a little overwhelmed, but I know she'll thrive once I'm gone!
There are so many little things we've done this week and it's made me think "the next time we do this, we'll have our daughter!" We made our last run to Babies-R-Us and next time, I won't be able to use the stork parking until we're ready for #2! I typically won't park at the front of a store, but when it's designated for me, I'm not turning it down!! Christopher's input: We had Charlie's fish sandwiches for lunch (which was the first time for me since I only like seafood since I've been third trimestered) but it's the last time we'll have that for a while. We're planning on going to see The Princess Bride at the Kentucky Theatre tomorrow night - which will be our last date and our last movie as just a married couple. We figured we could go out with a bang! Christopher thinks it would be awesome if I went into labor while it was playing!
As much as we've done over the week, I can't help but think that we're trading in all of these "lasts" for a ton of amazing "firsts!" I know that once Evey's here, time going to go even faster and before I blink, she'll be a grown woman, planning for her first child but I can't wait for the expericence! I know she's going to teach me more about myself than I've ever know and she's going to push me to grow like never before.
Let the adventure begin...
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