So, the other day on the way home from work I had to stop by a pet shop down the street from my work to get some fuzzies to feed my snake. Fuzzies are baby mice that are just beginning to get fur, usually between 5 and 10 days old. I knew that I would be getting back home before Jenni, which would be time enough for me to feed one of the mice to my snake and freeze the other three.
Unfortunately, she got home right after me and saw the mice. Despite the fact that she has seen me feed the snakes live food before, seeing the four baby mice was too much for her. She started bawling, saying that I cannot feed the mice to the snake and insited that we foster the mice. She went on to name them Franco, Milkshake, Scabbers, and Remy.
Being the supportive husband I am, I took Jenni to some pet shops to get some info and supplies Ato foster raise the mice. We finally got to Animal House where the owner knows how to foster orphaned animals. She proceeded to tell us how to take care of them, which included hand feeding them kitten formula every one to two hours around the clock and massaging their bellies with a q-tip after every feeding to stimulate them to poop. Once she realized that they weren't the offspring of a pet mouse that died, but mice meant to be food for a snake, the owner of the pet shop began trying to talk some reason into Jenni.
Jenni finally gave in and decided that saving the four mice, especially since they had gone close to four hours without food, would be, in all odds, a hopeless venture. A venture that, to say the least, she would not have the time to actually perform. In the end, we left the pet shop with Jenni in tears, feeling like she had failed the baby mice.
I agreed to call our friend, Amber Lyons, who has a snake of her own, to see if she would take the mice to freeze and feed to her snake so that Jenni wouldnt have to see them fed to ours. It was so hard to go along with what she wanted but knew that it was all because she saw Evey in those mice. And that, I understood.
Topher- You are such a wonderful and supporting husband and I have no doubt at all that you will be the same way with Evey gets here. They are both lucky to have you.