Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve blogged. I spent all of week 7 sick with a sinus infection (being sick and pregnant is ZERO fun, by the way…) and I spent week 8 recovering from the sinus infection. So now we’re in nine weeks into our pregnancy! Time is absolutely FLYING by. According to, our baby is the size of a green olive. Our little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Its basic physical structures are in place and it’s facial features are going more distinct by the day. The good news? Our sea-monkey is kind of starting to look like a baby!
I am feeling more and more pregnant by the day; and even though I’m completely exhausted, spending half my days nauseated, and waking up three times a night to pee, I can’t help being thankful for the amazing miracle that is growing inside of me. I also have to be thankful that I have only “officially” puked once – which is apparently a marvelous feat in the first trimester! Yesterday was the first day I had enough energy to do some cleaning after work – which must have been a great little break for my amazing husband. We can feel the second trimester getting closer and closer every day.
I had my first craving – lemons. I’ve never cared for lemons and I’d prefer to drink water over lemonade, but my need for them has been growing over the past few weeks. We used to have this hand soap at work (lemongrass & basil) that smelled just like lemon Pine Sol and whenever I went over to my in-laws’ house while they were cleaning, it smelled so good. One day last week, though, the cravings started. I had Chick-fil-a for lunch and ordered lemonade for some reason. I called Christopher drooling because it was so wonderful.
We decided that we’d buy a bag of lemons so we could make me some homemade lemonade later, but little did we know – one bag wouldn’t be enough.
That night we went to Covington to visit our friends. They were out shopping when we showed up, so we met them at Michael’s and a craving hit. I scoured the shelves for a box of lemonheads. I knew that would do the trick, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. As we started out the door, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of that beautiful yellow box on the very last shelf. I ran over and grabbed a bag and went to the shortest line. The lady finished checking out the customer in front of me and then left the register! I was a little put out, but I went to the next line which was ending up a transaction as well. As soon as that transaction was finished, the employee left again… That was the last straw and “psycho chick” roared her ugly head and said “don’t they realize I’m pregnant???” The employee heard my cry of desperation and assured me that she’d be right back.
Right back wasn’t good enough. I opened up the bag of lemonheads and started shoving them in my mouth as fast as I could eat them. When the cashier returned, I paid for my already half-eaten purchase and we continued on our way.
Our next stop was Babies-R-Us and let’s just say that my bag of sour-y goodness made that stop with me. Unfortunately, so did Psycho Chick.
Poor Christopher, became the next victim as he reached into my sacred bag and emerged with a small handful of lemonheads. I said, in a not-very-nice tone, “why don’t you get your own lemonheads!” I felt really awful later, but I was a mad-person. I had no idea what I was saying, but thankfully, Jenny McCarthy had prepared us for those “Psycho Chick” moments and Christopher knew he couldn’t take it to heart. So he did what any loving husband would do… he ceased with the lemonheads.
He has been such a trooper and has done everything in his power to subside my crazy indulgence. Like I said earlier, we found out that one bag of lemons was definitely not enough. We ended up at Sam’s Club with two more bulk bags and I now have a substantial stock of lemonade and lemonade concentrate in our fridge and freezer and my mouth is raw from all the acid I’ve been downing.
Christopher decided that the baby is going to be like his daddy – a lemon lover… I, on the other hand, will be perfectly content when those cravings fade.
Let’s just say it’s been a bit eventful around the Davis house over the past couple of weeks, but we are still looking forward to all the curve-balls this pregnancy will throw at us!
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