This one shows her cutie patootie. The three little white lines that the arrows are pointing at show she's definitely a girl.
Monday, February 21, 2011
We're happy to introduce...
This one shows her cutie patootie. The three little white lines that the arrows are pointing at show she's definitely a girl.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Old Wives Tales
Okay! So next Monday Jenni and I are going into the doctor for a gender scan to see if we have a little boy or girl. This being said, Monday night I will be closing the baby pool so now is everyone’s last chance to enter their guesses. Before that, Jenni and I decided to take a look at some of the old pregnancy wives tales to see if we are having a boy or girl, so here are some of the wives tales we found.
Heart Rate They say if the fetal heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, the baby is a girl, and if the heart rate is less than 140 the baby will be a boy. At our 12 week appointment, the heart rate was 168bpm, and at 16 weeks was 148bpm. One for girl.
Belly If the mother is carrying high and large you will have a girl, if you carry low and straight out in front, it’s a boy. Jenni is low and straight out. One for boy.
Ring Test If the mother holds her wedding ring on a string over her belly and it swings side to side, it’s a girl, if the ring swings in a circle, it’s a boy. Well… when we did this test the ring swung side to side for about 3 oscillations and then proceeded to swing in a circle and then back to side to side and so on and so forth. So I guess that is two for girl and two for boy. But could this mean twins?
Necklace Test The necklace test is the same as the ring test but someone else holds a necklace over the pregnant woman’s hand, with opposite results as the ring test. Three for girl.
Face If the pregnant woman’s face gets fuller you have a girl, if the face gets thinner, boy. Jenni’s losing weight in her face. Three for boy.
Key If a pregnant woman picks up a key by the top round part, boy, if she picks it up by the key part, girl, if she picks it up in the middle, twins. Without knowing the wives tale I had jenni pick up a key, four for boy.
Mayan Tale According to a Mayan tale, if you add the mothers age with the year of conception and the total is even, you will have a girl, if the total is odd, boy. Well 26+2010 is 2036, four for girl.
Drano Its said that if you mixed a tablespoon of the pregnant woman’s urine with a tablespoon of Drano and the mixture is green, you will have a girl, if its blue, it’s a boy. Well needless to say, we were a little weirded out by this one so this test was inconclusive.
Acne If the expectant mom has acne she will have a girl. All clear of pimples so that’s five for boy.
Cravings If your cravings are salty you will have a boy, and sweet if you have a girl. Sweets make jenni sick so that’s six for boy.
Cravings Also if you tend to crave more protiens you will have a boy, after weeks of beef jerkey and corndogs, I’m saying boy on this one too.
Smell of garlic If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell comes out of her pores you will have a boy. Jenni absolutely refused to eat a clove of garlic, so that’s another inconclusive test.
Eye test If you pull the skin under the womans left eye and you see a “v” or branches on the white of her eye you will have a girl. Jenni most definitely has a “v” so that is a girl.
Parental history Okay, this one is a bit complicated. You can predict the order of kids a woman will have by following the children of her parents starting with the next kid in line. So if the mother to be was the first born, you start with the gender of the second born and so one. If she was the last born, you start with the gender of the first born. Jenni is the first born so the gender of the next born in her family is a girl, so, girl.
Conception Whoever was more aggressive on the night of conception the gender will be the opposite. Well we know our official conception date if Halloween, but we don’t remember having sex that night and not sure which day the deed happened on so yet another inconclusive test.
Legs If the woman gains weight in her legs it will be a boy, if they stay lean it will be a girl. Once again jenni is losing weight so girl.
Attitude They say if the future mom is moody you have a girl. Jenni is most definitely moody. Girl.
Chinese chart According to an ancient Chinese chart that is said to be 90% accurate we will have a boy.
Beauty They say that because a girl needs to take beauty away from the mom to get pretty, well Ive never seen her as beautiful as she is now. So that is a boy.
Gender dreams If the mom has dreams about a boy, you will have a girl, and vise versa, well if you recall one of my earlier posts, Jenni dreamed about adopting girls, so another boy.
Clumsiness If the mother gets more graceful, you will have a girl…
Toddlers If a toddle boy shows intrest in a pregnant woman, she will have a girl, if not you she will have a boy. Well no toddler boys have shown any interest so that’s another boy.
Side you lay on If a woman lays on her left side, they say she’ll have a boy. If she prefers her right side, it will be a girl. Most nights, Jenni sleeps on her right side, so again… girl.
Hands When asked to show her hands, if the mother shows palm up, it’s a girl. If she shows palm down, it will be a boy. Once again, without knowing what I was doing, I asked Jenni to show me her hands and she held them palm down. Score one for a boy.
Dad’s Weight If the expectant father gains weight during the pregnancy, you’re expecting a girl. If he doesn’t, you’re having a boy. Despite the fact that my wife swears I’ve got a baby bump of my own – I haven’t gained any weight. Boy.
Breast Size If her left breast is larger than the right, expect a girl. Expect a boy if the right breast is larger. Maybe this is a little bit too much information, but Jenni’s left is larger, so we’re having a girl.
Morning sickness If she’s having “morning” sickness ALL THE TIME, she’s got a little girl on the way. If she’s not quite that bad, she’s got a boy. Jenni hasn’t had a lot of actual “sickness” – just nausea, so we’re calling this one a boy.
Feet If mom has a hard time keeping her feet warm, you may be having a boy. If her feet stay nice and toasty, it may be a girl. Jenni’s feet are always freezing… take it from my ice-cold legs after she uses my body heat to warm her feet up every night. Boy.
Leg hair Jenni can’t keep her legs cleanly shaven, so I guess we’ve got another boy. If her hair was growing slowly, it would be a girl.
Hands If she’s always begging for lotion to keep her hands most, you’ve probably got a boy. Jenni most definitely has dry hands… No girl this time.
Headaches Little boys cause their moms to have more headaches, and little girls are a little easier on their moms. Even though Jenni’s doctor gave several other reasons for the headaches she’s been getting, we’re calling this one a boy.
So the tally based on the wives tales listed above as well as some Jenni wasn’t comfortable listing are as stands. 23 boys, and 10 girls. So my guess is standing as a boy but you all can make your own guess. I you have forgotten the address here it is again. baby
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Miracle of Life
A lot of friends and colleagues are convinced we’re having twins because I’ve grown so quickly. Me? I’m not so convinced… I think we’ll be okay with one! J